Connect with Barbs

Next up in our ‘Connection Series’ is the inimitable Barbara Clark, aka Barbs. So without further ado, let’s ask her some questions.

  1. Good morning Barbs – let’s start with an introduction, what’s your role at Connect Three and what do you do?

Hello. My role is an Organisational Development Consultant. What I do is a great mix of Leadership Development, 121 Coaching, Project Managing and Delivering our Essential Leadership and Workplace Innovation programmes, as well as bespoke support to our clients. I support people to help them, and their business, to grow.

  1. Awesome, thanks!  So what has been your favourite moment in Connect Three so far?

Celebrating my 2-year anniversary in the company, which actually was almost a year ago! I am the longest serving employee at Connect Three, and our team and business has grown a lot since I started. This is testament to our culture and the team I work with.

  1. That is a LOT of changes in 3 years! OK, let’s get to know you a bit better, what three things would you take with you on a desert island?

Bath, book and wine (should I say my kids???)

  1. Nah, I fully support those choices!  How about…which business leader would you like to have a cup of tea with?

I have two (sorry). Jacinda Ardern (PM of New Zealand) and Jurgen Klopp (Manager of Liverpool FC). Not technically business leaders and it’s not about politics or football but I use both as case studies of leaders who put their people first and are living examples of this.

People are at the core of their Values Based leadership; how they talk to and listen to people, how they make decisions, how they do the right thing and particularly how they lead team and country during the times it matters most.

  1. And to finish, if you could only give one piece of advice to the leaders and future leaders reading this, what would it be?

Relationships with people are everything…. Get to know them all, no matter their role; what motivates them, who/what are they doing it for…. Know your weaknesses and their strengths!
Thanks for answering my questions Barbs, it was lovely getting to know you a little better.  Look out for our next ‘Connect with’ interview in a few weeks time.


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