Connect with…Gareth

It’s time for another chapter in our ‘Connection Series’. Each post in the series shines the spotlight on the work of a member of the Connect Three team, and hopefully gives you a little insight into what we do, and how we can help you. Next in the interview hotseat is Gareth Gonet, our new Operations Manager.

Hi Gareth, thanks for taking the time to chat to me today. We’ll warm up with an easy one, what’s your role at Connect Three and what do you do? 

I’m the Operations Manager. In short my role is to manage the processes that keep us running day to day & in the long term look to improve and/or streamline these processes to cope with the ever increasing volume of work as the business continues to grow.

Amazing! It won’t be an easy task at the rate we’re growing I’m sure, so what was it about Connect Three that made you interested in joining the team? 

After ten years as a consultant for a multinational technology company, I wanted to join a smaller business where my contribution could directly enable the continued success and growth of the business.

That’s so great. Let’s switch gear- what are you mostly listening to right now? 

I regularly listen to long form business interviews when doing housework. Sadly enough, I’ll listen to the same one several times as you’ll often find takeaways that you missed first time around. Right now, I’m halfway through a lecture by American entrepreneur Jim Rohn who died in 2009. The full session is on YouTube and was recorded in the 80’s however it’s amazing how much of it still applies today.

Oh I love this – there are a fair few Jim Rohn fans at Connect Three! On a similar note, which business leader would you like to have a cup of tea with? 

Probably Warren Buffet.

Finally, what is the boldest thing you’ve ever done?  

I used to do a bit of boxing so I guess having a fight in-front of a few hundred people wearing only shorts, boxing boots and a small pair of gloves would have to be up there.

Wow…yup, too bold for my tastes! Thank you so much for taking the time out of your schedule for us Gareth, good luck with your first month at Connect Three.

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