This week, in the spirit of International Women’s Day 2021, Shona asked our team to spill the T on what they will #choosetochallenge, why they are choosing it and how they will be approaching it in the next few months. To make sure we all stay on course, we’ll be back in 3 months time to check in on our individual progress and see how we can support each other further. Here are three of our responses, why not comment on the post to let us know what you are choosing to challenge in 2021?:
This year, I am out to smash the stigma! Even in 2021 the stigma that women are over emotional, weak, not as capable, not as skilled, over or under-confident still exists and limits what we can and will achieve. This stigma presents itself still in gender pay gaps, less representation within certain sectors, and can lead to damaging impacts on mental health.
The pandemic and remote working has resulted in all parental figures having to juggle more, make different choices and whilst men have also been affected, in my circles both personal and professional, it has been mostly women who have taken the majority of caring duties. I worry that the perception of this has been damaging when really we were not stepping away but stepping up and being role models to our children.
How am I going to challenge the stigma? I’m going to continue to questions my own perceptions, listen to understand and never judge, and be an ally to all.
In 2021 I am choosing to challenge my own limiting beliefs and the limiting beliefs of others around me. I recognise that my limiting beliefs held me back many years ago with me saying no to some pretty huge opportunities that I was scared to take on as I didn’t think I was skilled enough, capable enough or good enough. I see so many people still holding back in life and business today and I want people to strive for progress not perfection.
To start with, I am going to share my story on how I’ve overcome those early career limiting beliefs, then I will keep asking people what they think is holding them back, and work with them on improving their mindset and putting progress steps and actions in place to move forward and quash those limiting beliefs and negative self talk.
I’m choosing to challenge the fear that myself and others let get the better of them. Too often we allow false evidence appearing real to limit ourselves from realising our potential. The action I’m going to start with is consciously separating fact from fiction and then working with the facts.